17 February 2009

The season is here! It may not seem like it with the recent cold snap and snow fall, but it is true. Grandma's is on the horizon and the other marathons listed below are coming even sooner. We've lost the ice and slippery conditions of January and we're into Spring Training. You set the goals now you need to make the commitment. 

The program hasn't changed too much from last fall - sign up is on active.com. The link is - http://www.active.com/framed/event_detail.cfm?EVENT ID =1671857&CHECKSSO=0

The cost is $100.00 for the 16 week program. We've adjusted the schedule to accommodate the different marathons from the last post. Sign-up now! The classes will still meet on Mondays and Wedesdays at 6:00 PM and Saturdays at 8:00 AM. 

See you on the trails.


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